M E T A L  G R O U N D
 Y O U T U B E  C H A N N E L
Metal Ground is a YouTube channel I created for two reasons, the first one was to talk about Heavy Metal which is the music I love, and to be able to reach out to the metal community.
The second reason was to put my video and marketing abilities to the test.
I am proud to say my most popular video has 3.3 million views in one year by 2022.
With over 20,000 subscribers in less than 2 years I had the pleasure to interview artists in the Heavy Metal industry such as Mariangela Demurtas from Gothic Metal Band "Tristania", and the lead singer of "Visions of Atlantis" Clementine Delanuey.
The first step was creating a brand that aligned to the core values and aesthetics of the Heavy Metal industry. Once a logo was created I came up with some video ideas that were very commercial, more on the click bait side such as "Versus" videos in which I show the viewers Pop artist vs. Metal artists, some metal covers of very famous pop and rock songs, and once I started gaining popularity I started making videos that were more informational or that have to do with new releases and issues I wanted to discuss.

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